Methodology for Protecting TPO Trees at Leigh Hospital

Client: Leigh Hospital - Gilling Dod Architects

Project Type: APN12 compliant cell web extension to the car park


  • Tree survey and tree constraints plan detailing root protection areas and tree categorization for individual trees
  • Highlight trees of significant value to ensure they are suitably considered
  • Highlight trees of lesser value which may be considered for removal
  • Lead discussions regarding constraints posed by trees
  • Prepare arboricultural planning statements to support for outline planning application.
  • Oversee arboricultural works


We conducted a tree survey and collaborated with the design team to that trees were considered the design scheme, information on APN12 compliant cellular systems that protect the roots of mature trees from and veh traffic.

We produced a CAD tree constraint along with an arboricultural impact assessment, which information on the impact construction project may have on the surrounding trees, as well as the impact trees will have the finished structure. was presented along with the tree protection plan arboricultural statement as part of the planning.

Site supervision was carried out which comprised facilitation of tree pruning and felling works, installation of tree fencing, and overseeing the construction of a new 'No-Dig' three-dimensional cellular confinement road to protect the roots of adjacent TPO’d trees. Site monitoring record sheets issued to the Local Council and off by the Tree Officer.

Cell web Driveway
Leigh Infirmary
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