Arboricultural Survey New Cellweb Driveway in Stockport

Client: Private Home Owner

Project Type: APN12 compliant cell web driveway


  • Tree survey and tree constraints plan detailing root protection areas and tree categorization for individual trees
  • Prepare arboricultural planning statements to support future outline planning applications
  • Oversee arboricultural works


We provided a tree survey and collaborated with the design team to ensure that trees were considered throughout the design scheme, providing information on APN12 compliant cellular confinement systems, that provide protection for the roots of mature trees from pedestrian and vehicular traffic.


We produced a CAD tree constrain plan along with an arboricultural impact assessment, this provided information on the impact a construction project may have on the surrounding trees, as well as the impact the trees will have on the finished structure. This was presented along with the tree protection plan arboricultural method statement as part of the planning submission.

Cell web Driveway
Salford Quays
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