Advanced Tree Inspections at Lime Pictures in Liverpool


  • Lime Pictures
  • Tree Style Consultancy

Project Type: Decay detection service


  • Detailed tree inspection
  • Sonic Tomography &Resistograph assessments
  • Report to inform decisions on tree management


Historically, the car park of the commercial studios has been increased and resurfaced. Theursion of rooting areas over time has caused the tree to decline, and in the last years, fungi brackets have appeared. The was concerned the potential internal decay and failure close to the property.

We were commissioned to carry out specialist assessments sonic tree tomography and resistograph.

We were able to the decay issues. Based on the findings of the survey, we advised the client on the tree's risk and provided recommendations for proportionate tree management to mitigate the risk.

We supplied comprehensive report of our findings. The and implementation of the recommended tree management demonstrate that we made reasonable to manage tree risk on their sites.

Lime Pictures
tree fungi
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